Speaking and Workshops
You can find more information about me and the topics I speak about here. Currently my speaking topics include JavaScript
, React Native
and Automation
with a Indie Hacker mindset.
Would you like me to speak at one of your events? Email me, or DM me on Twitter!
- Upcoming Talks and Workshops
- Previous Talks and Workshops
- Current Active Topics
- Bio and Testimonials
- Social Media and Other Links
Upcoming Talks and Workshops
Previous Talks and Workshops

- Le Wagon | Quels sont les meilleurs outils IA pour les développeurs web ? | 28/09/23 | slides video
- Human Coders (Remote, France) | React Native Bootcamp | 14/09/2023 | curriculum
- ChainReact (Portland, USA) | Coach with @jjustice Testing React Native apps | 17/06/2023 | curriculum
- React Native Paris (Paris, France) | Universal Application with React Native | 18/04/2023 | slides video
- Human Coders (Remote, World) | React Native Bootcamp | 13/02/2023 | curriculum
- Institut Universitaire de Technologie (Calais, France) | React Native Bootcamp | 06/02/2023 | curriculum
- Le Wagon (London, UK) | Career Week Automating Job Seeking | 02/12/2022 | article
- Comet (Lille, France) | React Native —from Zero to Hero | 27/10/2022 | slides video
- Le Wagon (London, UK) | Career Week | 22/09/2022 |
- 9am (Remote, world) | Freelancers AMA | 02/09/2022 | video
- Institut Universitaire de Technologie (Calais, France) | React Native Bootcamp | 21/02/2022 | curriculum
- Human Coders (Remote, World) | React Native Bootcamp | 07/02/2022 | curriculum
- Amiens Tech Festival (Amiens, France) | How to write a book —like a hacker | 27/01/2022 | slides
- Institut Universitaire de Technologie (Calais, France) | React Native Bootcamp | 31/01/2022 | curriculum
- Human Coders (Remote, World) | React Native Bootcamp | 06/12/2021 | curriculum
- Office Hours Des Pirates (Remote, World) | Twitch live show about technology, design and automation | 24/09/2021 | video
- Diagrams Technologies (Lille, France) | Git & Github Bootcamp | 02/09/2021 | curriculum
- Comet (Remote, world) | Build and automate your passive income as a freelance | 18/08/2021 | slides video
- Async (Web Tech Meetup) (Brighton, United Kingdom) | Design system in React Native —From Zero to Hero | 01/07/2021 | slides
- Institut Universitaire de Technologie (Calais, France) | React Native Workshop | 15/03/2021 | curriculum
- React & React-Native Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France) | Design system in React Native —From Zero to Hero | 04/03/2021 | slides video
- Human Coders (Paris, France) | React Native Workshop | 22/02/2021 | curriculum
- CodeControl (Remote, world) | Publish your first book as a indie hacker | 15/01/2021 | slides video
- Human Coders (Paris, France) | React Native Workshop | 07/12/2020 | curriculum
- CodeControl (Remote, world) | Game-changer funneling techniques for freelancers with airtable | 26/11/2020 | slides video
- React GraphQL Academy (Barcelona, Spain) | React Native Workshop | 02/11/2020 | curriculum
- CodeControl (Remote, world) | Automation for H4CK3RS | 19/08/2020 | slides
- CodeControl (Remote, world) | Your freelancing on autopilot with airtable | 29/04/2020 | slides
- Front(end | &) Beers (Lille, France) | Native? Web? Hm... Both! | 19/09/2019 | slides
- React Graph QL Academy (London, UK) | Static websites in the era of Headless CMS | 10/09/2019 | slides
- ChtiJS Workshop (Lille, France) | Styling in React | 17/06/2019 | slides
- Davidson Consulting (Lille, France) | Automation for H4CK3RS | 23/06/2018 | slides
- React Amsterdam (Amsterdam, Netherlands) | Coach with @reactgraphqlacademy React Native Workshop | 11/04/2019
- JavaScript London (London, UK) | React Router | 23/01/2019
- Rails Girls (London, UK) | Automation for H4CK3RS | 01/12/2018 | slides
- Freeformers (London, UK) | Automation for H4CK3RS | 28/09/2018 | slides
- Take Off Conf (Lille, France) | Productivity and automation for H4CK3RS | 07/06/2018 | slides video
- Smart Pension (London, UK) | Pray for bower or state of art of package manager in JavaScript | December 2017 | slides
- Comet (Paris, France) | How a growth hacking mindset and automation tools can benefit your company culture | September 2017 | slides
- Ruby Nord (Lille, France) | How to love / hate / use the asset pipeline in Ruby on Rails | April 2017 slides
- Efficom (Lille, France) | Workshop Chatbot | 2017 slides
- FE Web (Brussels, Belgium) | Debug your design —like a boss | March 2017 | slides
- Efficom (Lille, France) | Workshop build your first leadmachine for automated funnels | 2017 slides
- ChtiJS (Lille, France) | Pray for bower or state of art of package manager in JavaScript | February 2017 | slides
- Le Wagon (Brussels, Belgium) | Ruby on Rails 9-week bootcamp front-end teacher | 2016-2017
- Agile Tour (Lille, France) | How to hack your company & succeed your Slack onboarding | October 2016
- Ruby Nord (Lille, France) | Rails mentor | 2015
- RubycampBE (Belgium) | Craft everything with Middleman | 2015 | slides
- ChtiJS (Lille, France) | Pokémon breakpoint : Responsive design, CSS & JavaScript | 2013 | slides
Current Active Topics
Design system styling in React Native —From zero to hero 🆕
With React Native, you style your application using JavaScript
and CSS-in-JS
The more you add developers and features, the more design consistency problems and pain points will appear.
Let's explore together how to create a first-class developer experience when managing styles and themes with TypeScript
and restyle
Create your first book as an indie hacker 🆕
Last year David published his first book. You may ask yourself: what kind of tools should I use to write a book ? You can start with a simple document on a text editor... but you will miss the most important part: distribution. During this talk you will learn how to create, automate and distribute your first book as a indie hacker.
Your freelancing on autopilot with airtable 🆕
One of my biggest concerns as a freelance is finding new clients. I am a solo entrepreneur. If I am not looking for new job opportunities every week, I am in a risky position. One day —for a random reason— I can quickly lose all my clients. Literally that's what happened 2 weeks ago, with something that no one could have predicted: a global world pandemic. I lost 66.66% of my clients in one day.
How can I work on my client's projects and sell my services in the meantime? Let me introduce you to all my automation protips.
React Native and React Native Web
Publish cross-platform applications is an old problem like the web. In 2019, Twitter has deployed its new version with a single codebase! What are their secrets ? Investigation…
Static websites in the era of Headless CMS
Static sites rebuild on every change, but that’s actually far less often than a classic server-hosted web application (which rebuilds on every request). With a JAMstack
you can use JavaScript, APIs, and Markup to deploy fast and secure website. Come learn how to glue together GitHub
, Gatsby
, Contentful
and Netlify
Productivity and automation for hackers
Did you know that —on average— adults can focus 20 min maximum on a task? Especially when you are a developer, you need to "get on the zone" and avoid switching context at all costs. In this talk I am sharing all my productivity hacks to automate my life.
Git and GitHub 101
Git is one of the most powerfull tool for people working in the web industry. The first part of this workshop will focus on the core functionality of git
- commit, branching and merging. After we understand the basics, we are going to see how to use GitHub to ship features when we are writing code together.
Archived Topics
Chatbot Workshop
One of the major changes in social paradigm is how people are consuming content. Now, people are spending more time on chat applications rather than social media! So what are conversationnal applications? How is it implemented? Where should you put them? Why did Facebook invest in messenger and whatsapp? Come learn how chatbot can help increassing your convertion rate, improve user experience, and more.
Leadmachine Worshop
Nowadays all the web is about API
's. Do you think buidling a static website is a simple thing?
In the world of the JAMSTACK
, it's not so simple but you will discover the advantages of using powerfull tools like React
and Gatsby
for the website, Netifly
for Continius Integration. In the meantime, we are going to explore the possibilities offered by Typeform and Zapier
Because the speaker have a Growth Hacking Mindset, he will introduce you how he hacked Typeform
and Slack
to build a comunity platform.
Looking for real life use cases for your own company? For example, if you want to improve the journey of new employee and develop a great onboarding – the automation way, this workshop is for you.
Debug your design like a boss
Level up your front-end development skills using the Google Chrome Developer tools! This talk cover the tools and best practices for front-end designers, given at an exclusive Meetup at Google’s Brussels HQ.
Your Idea Here 💡
Do you need help with a specific topic? Would you prefer a longer workshop instead of a conference-style talk? Let me know!
Bio and Testimonials
Bio - Long
David Leuliette is a freelance front-end and mobile developer. He has over 10+ years of experience in technology, project management, design and growth hacking from small startups to large companies across multiple industries, especially high-tech and education. He taught web developement to student in university, web project management to adults on differents workshops and front-end design at le wagon — the best 9 week Ruby On Rails bootcamp in the world. David was recognized by humancoders, in the 100 most influential and active designer in tech and entrepreneurship in France.
Bio - Short
David Leuliette is a freelance front-end and mobile developer. He has over 10+ years of experience in technology, project management, design and growth hacking from small startups to large companies across multiple industries, especially high-tech and education. David was recognized by humancoders, in the 100 most influential and active designer in tech and entrepreneurship in France.
Social Media and Other Links
David is one of the best teachers I ever had. Really inspiring, compassionate and have a lots of topics to share. I first met him as a teacher for a growth hacking class. I was wowed by the content and the dynamic of his class. Now He becomes a good mentor who I learn from. David is a high achiever, a weirdo (Hahaha c’est vrai) always challenging himself, and helping others to get out their comfort zone.