The Road to React Native

Why this guide?

This content aims to help you learn the things I wish I knew before starting my career as a React Native Developer.

This guide is NOT an explanation of the React Native API's or some hello-world example with code.

This roadmap is a collection of fundamentals to have a global picture of the ecosystem.

Time is the most precious resource people have

If you want to quickly kickstart your project, reduce the time to release the first version of your application, and ship like indie hacker, you are in the right place.

Who is this for?

  • You're interested in developing a mobile app, Progressive Web App, and prototypes for your projects
  • You're a developer, designer, engineer, entrepreneur
  • You want to understand the fundamentals of React Native and mobile development with JavaScript


  • The guide should take you 1 hour to complete – I recommend you to explore all the links listed inside
  • Basic understanding of JavaScript
  • No project ideas required

Content Overview

Chapter 1: Getting Started

  • Why React Native
  • Companies and React Native
  • Why using Expo
  • TypeScript
  • Ecosystem Toolchain

Chapter 2: Using React Native

  • JavaScript syntax
  • JavaScript Language
  • React syntax
  • Data Structures
  • Data Layer
  • General APIs

Chapter 3: Hacking Product Design

  • UI Libraries
  • Back-end Frameworks
  • Testing

Chapter 4: Beyond React Native

  • Build tools
  • Other tools
  • Resources